Friday, December 24, 2010


i fake it...
ALL the time

crumbling inside... but EEE outside

sit n counsel pals...
when i am the biggest non-believer
in the holy grail...
n here i am ...reveling n celebrating the reason .... for the season

am low n out
n no one can say
from how hyper n happy i seem

wtf cares ...anyways

Friday, December 3, 2010

tuff ?s

while my girl wants to know what it means to be 'gay'
my son wants to know about God and death...

what happens when a person dies?
how does God come into our house?
Where do we go after we die?
Why can't i see god?

being agnostic myself .... n a total liberal at heart... i find it tuff....

to answer these ?s and express my views on them AND be 'politically correct' at the same time...
esp when the dad is a die hard religious believer in Christ

oh well... !