Sunday, September 14, 2008

Eat more to lose more?

Check this out...

Quinoa, goji berries, buckwheat... wtf can I get some of that stuff???
Guess who's gonna be hitting the health store asap.

while on the topic of super foods...

Pomogranet... a tiny 8 oz bottle of this luscious fruit juice costs an arm out here...
and to think of the numerous trees we had growing in my childhood home - 10 Nowley Ghar.
I could have cared less to eat one of them.... hated the hard seeds and thot' of them shrubs as weeds... thorny branches and all!

Custard apple... papaya.. mango...coconut...lemon...fruit trees grand mom planted all over our property...and lovingly cared for by her and mom!

the cloyingly sweet perfume of jasmine... 3 varieties of them... baby pink rose bushes...december flowers... techi... champangi...kodi champangi... fill my heart when i think of home.
will my li'll girl ever learn to string flowers on a thread and wear them in her (gelled n plastered down with coconut oil) braided hair?

hot summer days... playing with the neighborhood kids... cricket and hide n seek being an all time favorite.. followed by 4 corners, badminton...

not to forget the broken glass windows by budding batsmen... only to get 'grounded' by grand mom... whole afternoons... we had to not just stay indoors but take a NAP! used to be my most dreaded time out!
it is only now on being mom to 2 kids do i get why my mom so wanted us to nap!
There are days when i longingly fantasize about both my kids going down for a 2 hr uninterrupted nap while i indulge in a midday siesta ... sighhh!!!! if wishes were horses.. n pigs could fly...!
sleep used to come so easily to me as a teen... I remember sleeping round the clock literally... wake up in time for lunch... skipping b'fast altogether... well i was also 90 pds and skinny as a stick!!
those days ain't coming back too soon baby!

visited Nowley Ghar with my sis Jones and Ryan this time when i went home... just in time to take some pics which will be savored for many many years to come... here's a picture n a video as well.

PS: the last room i try to film is my bedroom ...which i of course 'had to' share with my 2 sissies all 10X10 ft of it!!! :) i think it helped us build life long bonds with each other...
which is why my kids share a room ... at least until one of them complains that is!

Seen here is the mango tree of which i have eaten at least a minimum of a 1000 mangoes my entire life.. and that's just me... it bears THE most luscious mangoes i have EVER tasted in my life! legend has it that my mom's dad sent the family a basket of mangoes from Salem one summer n someone ate one of them n chucked the seed out the window which then eventually grew to this magnificent tree that has easily borne fruit to feed 500 people over its entire life span!
note to self... ask mom what the breed of mango is called next time i yak with her.

kahan se shuru karke kahan aa paunchi mein...
its 10.47 and its back to the grind stone tmrw being Monday n all..

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