This visit home... I got to experience it first hand... with Ryan!
Ryan takes this fascination for autos... and would shriek in delite... just lookin at one.
many a time i had to drag him cryin into Dad's car... from where he was sanding literally 'droolin' over an auto!
One of my pals asks him 'So Ryan... whatz it that you love about auto's?'...
and its Rehwa who comes up with an explanation...
she goes 'I think he likes how bumpy it is.'
while ridin in an auto Ryan goes... 'Ma...a bump... yeahhhh....! another humongous bump.... yeaaah'!!!
n this is what a ride in one of India's staple transportation is like with my Rynu....
simple joys... isn't that what life is ALL about?
ahhh.. I enjoyed watching this :) oh yea.. if you havent already figured that out.. I love kids