Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dropping frequencies

something happened this week...

My 3.5 year old started pre-school. Nothing spectacular... right?

It's the same Nursery my girl went to.
Now... at this nursery, parents walk their kids into class and help them settle in. we can even hang out a few minutes.

I park... get Rynu out... and the short distance to the entrance.... Rynu holds my hand.

Overwhelming... that moment. His tiny hand in mine...
Reality strikes... hard.
My responsibility as a parent... the next 15+ years to come.
The many events and paths i will be walking with his scholastic life and otherwise.

He walked in and in 2 minutes was happily coloring away. Not a care to see me leave him and go.
I walk away with the a smile thinking of some alone Me time.

I wondered why?... i didn't feel this feeling when I walked my first born to her first day at pre-school.

I remember that day so well... She was 2 yrs and 8 months and was just potty trained. I didn't do much home work in choosing the school and picked a strict catholic institution for her first pre-school. Parents were asked to leave their child at the door and LEAVE immediately.

Her first day she cried... n I stood outside and cried silent tears.
I was so anxious... at letting my first born go...
my emotions and pain... clouded my vision of the trees from the forest.
when her tears and my pain didn't cease even after 4 months, I pulled her out.

today i realize... when i see beyond my pain and drop the frequency of thoughts in my mind... i am able to see further beyond... my needs ... and far into the future.


  1. I have this theory. As a second born, I have noticed that parents like you less:P:P:P. That's why you were bawling (silent tears?? all same to same) the first time around and laughing alound the second time.

    P.S. Kidding. I tell my parents this from time to time to make them feel guilty;);)

  2. Dr K... herez another reality...
    first one is under the micro scope... at ALL times

    second one ...totally slack on.

    now you tell me... whatz better? EEE

  3. :) I am kidding. I think it is awesome to have an older sibling who helps you avoid the mistakes he/she has made. And the parents actually like you better since you are the last one...

  4. i know... am the last born, of 3 girls.

    enjoyed flying below the radar... all my life :)

  5. as long as the kid doesnt run away from the school as i

  6. Awwww post. :) I love reading about kids.


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