Thursday, April 1, 2010

Woo-hoo! To conf. calls

Today is a dear friend's bday. Ya Apr 1st.
All through college I pulled pranks on Sumi... on her bday.
And shez such a sport... laughed at it all and enjoyed it as much as I did pulling it on her :)

Now that we are all grown up n *Ahem!* more mature... I thought I'll give her a 'pleasant' surprise.

We were a gang of 8 of us who used to hang out some.
Set up a conf. call for 12 noon ... so it will be a decent hour for all.
And 4 of us got on it to wish Sumi who lives on the West coast.
One pal dialed in from India.. the rest from various parts of the US.

My first time doing this... and i managed to get all on board without dropping anyone.
*I had done a trial run a coupla days back with another pal... to make sure I didn't goof*

We asked her to guess who the voices were and she got us ALL right!
Then we sang Happy Birthday to her.

Feel SO happy! talking as a group after some 10+ years!!!

I realized all 5 of us on that call have a lill kid whoz in the 2 - 3 yr age group.
We talked of a get together in Chicago soon...

Why do we lose touch with dear old friends?
Why do we move so far away from our core?

1 comment:

  1. Its all got to do with how much time we have to spend for the friendship! Sadly, once we get into our own lives, we do not spend a lot of time for friends... :(


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