Friday, June 4, 2010


I love this month
the weather is great
the sun is out
it meant 'back to school'... back home in India
n mostly 'coz... its my b'day month

i totally believe ... i am special.
the endless phone calls...the emails...the presents...the cakes...dinner plans
all make me feel super special

but the last 2 years... i had totally unhappy bday's
partly coz i brought it on myself...
I let my expectations... play spoil sport :(

so...i've learnt in the years i've walked this planet...
money... wealth...nor prized possessions...
will bring me happiness or the mental peace i SO crave

so this year... n in the years to come...
'I swear by my life and my love of it ...that I will never live for the sake of another human, nor ask another human to live for mine.'
-- John Galt


  1. ho..
    let it be..
    time to stand in ur own legs..

  2. Hey happy birthday.

    I am trying to drive into her hotness that what somebody does on her bday is not a measure of how much they like you.

    Same is applicable to you. Loosu mudra.....

  3. tnx Bodhi! wanting to be pampered...its a total woman thing!
    you wont understand... Kenne Bodhi.... ;)

  4. Its been a while since somebody called me Kenna :)


Whatcha think?