Thursday, May 3, 2012

Striking it right

Am having moderate success with my weight loss goal and chanced upon this slideshow today.

Good read ...

Things that are working for me from this list
- Work out in the morning (half hour combo of Bikram yoga, aerobics and free weights)
- 4 cups of tea (2 cups of green tea and 2 of orange pekoe)
- High protein intake (above the regular 15%. About 20 - 25%)
- 8 cups of water (includes my intake of tea / milk)
- Aerobics (jog inbetween a two mile power walk at 4 mph)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Abs-olute envy

Never thought I would say this... but I got serious envy of this woman's flat abs

Alright! shez got 2.5" on me and far more younger than I am and minus 2 term pregnancies I bet.
But I would never have guessed her at 135 lbs. More like 110 ish


She has complete workout, meal plan and all the research included there...pertty good and inspiring read
