Friday, January 8, 2010

all in good time...

a GF of mine is preggers with her second baby, due sometime in march '10 I think.

a lill background on my GF...
She & her hubs were married 7+ yrs with no luck getting preg...
and the 2 of them love love love kids! at every social gathering you would see them holding one of the lill ones / playing with the older kids.
When Rynu was little, they have held him many a time so i got a chance to sit down n enjoy a meal in peace.
*for which i am thankful for*

many failed medical treatments to get preggers and AI finally kicked in.
A sweet lill boy arrived Feb 28 of the last leap yr that passed.

when i saw the lill one that first time, i was like... lucky baby! is gonna have such doting parents.
its funny...over the last 2 years, i see the 2 of 'em and cant help but notice how freakin stressed out they look. its like they cant handle their baby boy AT ALL.

a lill over a year later, she discovers shez preggers again. This time... no medical intervention, was totally unplanned... and a COMPLETE surprise!

My GF's and I are planning a baby shower for her on the 17th. in the last week, back n forth a 100 emails have gone by. Jeez! you'd think we are organizing a wedding!

anyways...i digress...

it got me thinking... on time slots.
back home in India... there is this social pressure
early to mid 20's - time to get hitched
mid 20's to 30's - breed babies before good old age (of 30's) sets in.
*read 'babies' - as 'a baby' sure is not good enough*
30 to 40's - Home ownership is the prime goal of every family.

You do all of the above... and you have 'arrived' in life!

marriage... kids... own home.... pure social pressures them all.

Does it really make one happy...?

a marriage... to a person who isn't your soul only a bondage
a child...most of us love 'em... doesn't really translate for all into being able to raise / handle a baby
a house... built with bricks n money. Turns into 'home' only when built on love.

Do we even think... before we venture into vesting our emotions *read 'life'* into the 3?


  1. You complicating things. Look at this way. As long as you are NOT sad you are happy:).

    And really life could be much much worse.

  2. m... sad / happy... is transitional.
    peace... is whatz permanent :)

  3. Very practical write-up. True to the core. Am in the same wavelength but how many of us are open enough to accept all these facts???btw, i am from the gulf and the other two contributors are from the US of A :):) No Delhi connection. We enjoy ur write-up. U need to write more often :):)


  4. tnx ChitChat
    you shud join blog-a-ton

    I am competing in it :)

  5. its easy for you dish it.but what happens when some girl really believes doing all the said things completes her.she is beyond any help.and how many love marriages brake off.we can argue a the end its what we have that


Whatcha think?