Tuesday, November 3, 2009

24 hrs

thatz all it took...
to go from :( to :)

manufacturing defect or made perfect. depends on your outlook in life.

This time back home... hooked up with old buddies...from hi-school, college n my early 20's.

with the reminiscing that happened...we went down memory lane... with stories from the past... of the mad things... I did.
from dancing on a table @ Purple Haze in BLR...fun and sweet letters i wrote...to wading into the Bay (of Bengal) at hi-tide... at 12 midnight... n not knowing to swim.
Jeeeez-a-lu! what was I thinking?

I have no recollection of most of these mad times... and remember thinking...
'I DID that?' you gotta be kidding me!!

childlike n simple joys...
when?... did I cease doing and enjoying them
why?... did I forget to be mad

I seem to have made a total transformation in my whole outlook to life...
somewhere in my mid 20's.
the same time I broke off ties... to my past.

along with breaking ties I also seem to have broken off some core things.
and what amazes is...that realization is coming ONLY NOW!

choices... by choice.
consciously? perhaps... not
growing up... getting responsible... happens to us all :)

24 hours... if its all one got to live this life... I will go back home.
home...to where my heart is.
home... with who I can be myself.


  1. wading into the Bay (of Bengal) at hi-tide... at 12 midnight... n not knowing to swim..

    You were mad I tell you !

  2. well... what will you say... if I tell you...

    that I got sucked in... and was yanked out by my pal Ragini...
    who in turn got sucked in...
    and it was my turn to pull her out.

    and both of us had jeans on... which when wet..can weigh quite a TON!


Whatcha think?