Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Diwali.... then Halloween... followed by the dreaded DLS.

'tis the season... to feel crappy ... err Jolly! :)

My kids are so enthusiastic about Halloween... and I can see why.

Growing up in India... Diwali was my fave festival. And I can't stop drawing similarities between these two cool celebrations that happen in 2 different parts of the world...

Diwali... brought in with new clothes.. for the whole family
Halloween... costumes for all... young and old

Diwali... festival of lights & fireworks
Halloween... think Boo & Spook effect

Diwali... dress-up and bring home made sweets to friends and family
Halloween ... wait till dusk to dress-up n go 'trick or treating' with friends to homes in the 'hood

Diwali... a celebration of the destruction of evil
Halloween... a celebration of all things evil :)

still... why does my heart crave Diwali more?
Substitutes... them never work... even if better :)

so there... Boo!


  1. nothing can hold a candle to diwali (gedit?):P

    besides how can 'celebrating evil' be cool? its kinda dumb and only fun while you're a kid. whereas diwali can be celebrated at any age! :)

  2. haha! Here young and old celebrate H'ween...with equal joy!
    for the grown-ups ..its more about hitting the costume parties...
    the guys go for 'the more gross the better n
    as for the gals... the sluttier.. the cooler EEE!


Whatcha think?