Wednesday, July 14, 2010

nobody loves me...

no more.

ya! its true!
even when i say it out loud...
i get bland responses...
why u sayin tht to a heartless flying dutchman?
whatz with the drama?
n such

my scale is consistently reading over the 140 mrk... grr!

down pours...x'ld out one kids softball camp

dragged a moping kid along to kohl's... found a pair of sneakers i love... try it feels a tad tight.
turns out the only pair in my size is mismatched and after 1.5 hrs of opening every orange shoe box...there are no more on the shelves or in the back rooms.

all i find everywhere are empty boxes...
empty box of pops in the freezer..
empty packs of cookies...
empty box of almonds
empty empty empty... goes in the bin!

whtz for my dinner?
can you pay this bill
run that errand
call so n so... n get this done?
grocery shopping...
doing dishes...
kid raising n chauffeuring...

overworked n underpaid..
endless maid jobs!

blame it on the culture i was raised....
u got the boobs..means you do the cooking.. cleaning... laundry


  1. I hear you!! I am working full time from home, cooking lunch and dinner, taking care of an infant, laundry, doing dishes, taking care of bills, appointments, etc going mad

  2. ya poor suchi... lookin at life thru rose tinted glasses ;P

  3. Mom taught me full circle...your kid and husband will do what you and your dad do to me. Sigh!

  4. HEY!!! I'm not married yet :DDDD
    Let me enjoy the optimism!!

  5. Wir lieben euch trotzdem und Ihr blog mudra.


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