Sunday, December 20, 2009

life's lemons

its official!

NEVER EVER... EVER... make a decision about changing your hair's looks when you are low key.

it's NOT gonna help you feel better...EVER!

my trip to the salon... for hi-lights and a hair cut... turned me into Dr Seuss'z Grinch. Yikes!

after spending 3+ hrs sitting idle in a stoofid frikkin chair... i am now part red head and it gets worse... i have SHORTer hair than i like!

and NO I ain't sharing pics... BAH!

take home lesson ... go shopping instead.
you at least get to return the ridiculously over priced silly outfit you bought the next day.

PS: an old box of deep mahogany hair color... covered some of the red damage.
n my new shorter bob has knocked 5+ yrs off...!
so not ALL is BAD...:)

1 comment:

  1. Can understand what you must have gone thro' but quite funny. This happens with most of us at some time or the other.



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