Sunday, December 13, 2009


growing up... this stuff was so deeply drilled in my head that i still believe some of it!

1. Wake up on the right side of the bed... else your day won't go right *still believe in this*

2. I was adopted. *My oldest sis's FAVORITE taunt*

3. Bad omen if a black cat crossed your path.

4. Shampoo grayed your hair and so did soap. *i often wondered why the hair on our body didn't gray?*

5. White spots on your nails meant new clothes coming up. So did wearing your clothes inside out!

6. Cutting nails inside the house was bad. If someone were to step on it, you n that person would get in a fight. *i religiously collect nail clippings... still*

7. Swallow a pip and a tree would grow in your stomach. i lived in fear of the water melon seed i swallowed.

8. Tooth fairy and Santa.

9. All that i ate went to the growth of my long tresses... n thatz why i was so skinny as a kid.

10. Girls shouldn't whistle.

11. Cross your eyes and if a wind blew the same time, it would freeze your expression for LIFE!

12. My bicycle was coming next year.

13. Sneezing when someone said something would make it happen. *my mom still says this*

14. Put your right foot forward when entering a new place *still do this*

15. Eating rice grains meant rain on your wedding day. *i did... plenty n it didn't at mine*


  1. If u get anonymous comments what will happen u din't tell?

  2. "I was adopted. *My oldest sis's FAVORITE taunt*"

    This is so common. And my bro used to tell me my parents dint like me etc.

    And "Cutting nails inside the house was bad. If someone were to step on it, you n that person would get in a fight. *i religiously collect nail clippings... still*"

    I think the reason for this myth is more of a hygiene thing.

    If you had not been married and a mom of two, I would have concluded anon ^^ has the hots for you.

  3. Anon... change url perhaps! lol

    Bodhi... older siblings *bah!*
    as for ur take on philistine of you! lol!

  4. U Know who i am doesnt matter URL or Anon.
    Mr.Bodi Mudiyalae

  5. Hi, You have a lovely space. . Following you :):) Thanks for stopping by.


  6. we do have some common myths :)
    thanks for adding me to your blog list


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