Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It's all Greek and Latin to me

Greek Yogurt... what's so great about it?
Greek yogurt is a protein powerhouse since the protein content is concentrated. Ordinary American yogurt has a protein content of 5grams in average while Greek yogurts packs up to 20grams! Imagine how much more energy we get from this yogurt.

Immerse yourself in blue.
Use blue plates, blue napkins, a blue tablecloth, even paint your dining room walls blue or use blue lights. According to a 2006 study by Dr. Val Jones, gala attendees ate 33 percent less in a room bathed in blue light.
That’s probably because we associate blue with toxic or moldy food, so we eat less. Yellow and red had the opposite effect, which is why fast-food restaurants favor those appetite-stimulating colors.

1 Serving - 1 cup measure... measure measure measure and stick to 1 portion.
After that its greed more than one's need...that kicks in

eat slowly.... it takes 20 minutes for the stomach to signal the brain that it's full. So go on...chew n enjoy every bite...slowly...ever so slowly!

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